赵晓春,男,生于1961年1月,教授,博士生导师。现任柑桔研究所资源育种研究室主任、副所长。1999年获悉尼大学博士学位。随后在悉尼大学从事植物遗传、分子生物学和育种方面的研究工作,先后主持澳大利亚CRC、RIRDC等重大基金项目,国际上首次报道小麦品质相关基因null Wx-4A。研究成果对小麦品质遗传育种和水稻耐冷性遗传研究有重大影响,在“Plant, Cell and Environment”等知名刊物发表论文20多篇。为Plant Breeding, Crop Sciences, Euphytica, Journal of Cereal Science 和 Genetics Research等期刊的审稿人。2012年作为杰出人才从澳大利亚全职引进到中国农业科学院柑桔研究所,从事柑桔基因资源挖掘利用等研究工作。
2012年2月-- 于西南大学柑桔研究所工作。
发表论文情况:在“Plant, Cell and Environment”等知名刊物发表论文20多篇,后附部分论文题目及发表情况。
1. Du W, Zhao X, Raju T, Davies P, Trethowan R. (Accepted on 12 October 2011) Identification of Ascochyta rabiei disease resistance in chickpea genotypes. Euphytica. Online first. SCI影响因子(5年): 1.563 .
2. Oliver S, Zhao X, Dennis E and Dolferus R. (2008)。 The molecular basis of cold-induced pollen sterility in rice. Biotechnology and Sustainable Agriculture 2006 and Beyond. P205-207.
3. Gierscha TM, Wu MJ, Duncan L, Zhao X and Chin J. (2007)。 Detection of mutations in the 7A allele of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) granule-bound starch synthase (Wx-7A) with a monoclonal antibody produced by targeted peptide immunization. Journal of Cereal Science. 45:162-171. SCI影响因子(5年): 3.202. 被引用2次。
4. Darvey N, Zhao X, and Trethowan R. (2006)Isolated microspore culture in a cyclical breeding system for the production of inbred lines and hybrids. Proceedings of 6th International Triticale Symposium. Stellenbosch, South Africa,p77-79.
5. Oliver S. van Dongen J, Alfred S, Mamun E, Zhao X, Saini H, Fernandes S, Blanchard C, Sutton B, Geigenberger P, Dennis E. & Dolferus R. (2005)。 Cold-induced repression of the rice anther-specific cell wall invertase gene OSINV4 is correlated with sucrose accumulation and pollen sterility. Plant, Cell and Environment. 28:1534-1551. SCI影响因子(5年): 5.536。
6. Zhao X, Verma R, Dolferus R and Darvey N. (2004) Chromosomal location of QTLs controlling low temperature induced male sterility in temperate japonica rice. The International Rice Cold Tolerance Workshop. Canberra, Australia.
7. Zhao X and Sharp PJ (1998)。 Production of all eight genotypes of null alleles at \'waxy\' loci in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)。 Plant Breeding. 117:488-490. SCI影响因子(5年): 1.43. 被引用14次。。
8.Zhao X, Batey IL, Sharp PJ, Crosbie G, Barclay I, Wilson R, Morell MK, and Appels R. (1997)。 A single genetic locus associated with starch granule properties and noodle quality in wheat. Journal of Cereal Science 27: 7-13. SCI影响因子(5年): 3.202. 被引用78次。
9.Zhao X and Sharp PJ. (1996)。 An improved 1-D SDS-PAGE method for the identification of three bread wheat \'waxy\' proteins. Journal of Cereal Science 23: 191-193. SCI影响因子(5年): 3.202. 被引用56次。
10.Zhao X and Sharp PJ. (1996)。 Production of different null GBSS phenotypes in common wheat. Proceedings of 8th Assembly, Wheat Breeding Soc Australia. Canberra, Australia. P81-83.
联系邮箱: zhaoxiaochun@cric.cn
联系电话: 023-68349606
联系地址: 重庆市北碚区歇马镇柑桔村15号, 邮编: 400712